When you become a monthly food pantry sponsor, you are helping provide a consistent supply of versatile foods for our programs.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
La Casita Legacy - $5,000+
• Logo/name + gift amount plaque mounted on food pantry wall, promotional materials placed in food boxes, recognition on social media, website, newsletter, and annual report
La Casita Amiga - $2,500+
• Logo/name + gift promotional materials placed in food boxes, recognition on website, social media, newsletters, and annual report.
La Casita Supporter - $1,000+
• Logo/name + gift amount recognition on website, social media, newsletters, and annual report.
Giving Level: The HNS Familia Circle
All financial gifts between $100 - $999 will be acknowledged on our social media connections and website.
Contact us today for our food sponsorship opportunities:
Facility Maintenance Coordinator
House of Neighborly Service’s approach to diversity is simple - it’s about embracing everyone. From cultivating a culture where all employees can bring their best selves to work to organizing diversity initiatives that support all.